Katalin Gruiz & Dóra Földvári have made a presentation together about the INV project for the 13th AAATE Conference, which has been organised in Budapest, Hungary.
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The INV project and its results will be introduced for the Hungarian professional community on the 17th of January, in Budapest. As the new development has already advertised and disseminated in several professional events in Hungary the enquiry is large; the number of the registered participants are 120 persons, 5 days before the event. 5 participants arrive from Italy to report their experience with the model and visit supported living services of the Hungarian Down Foundation.
The Hungarian national programme of supported living and autonomous life of autistic persons has incorporated the INV model into the curriculum of the training course for professionals, the future employees of the three suported living facilities and other services, –e.g. sheltered workplaces and day care homes – established for autistic young adults. The INV model and its tool-box (training materilas, self-observation register, logbook, etc.) will be applied for 36 professionals in the demonstration programme, started on the 6th of January 2015, with the training courses.
The last meeting of the INV project was held on the 10–11 of December 2014 in Rome.
The participants finalized the main "products" of the project, the new pedagogical model and the trainig itinerary, as well as summarized the dissemination and exploitataion activities.
The consortium also prepared a short term and a long term plan, until the end of the project and after its finalization.
The survival of the model and its practical application could be the key in supported living and independent and autonomous life of intellectually disabled persons.
One of the priority application of the INV model and tools is supported living of intellectually disabled and autistic persons. In Hungary the model is introduced for everyday use in 6 supported living services of the Down Foundation and 3 facilities of different service providers for autistic persons.
The fourth coordination meeting of the INV Project was held in Madrid at 4–6 June 2014. This meeting focused on the testing of the model in each participating countries.
After having held the national level trainings for the professionals, the testing of the model have been started in all participating countries. The first overall impression was positive, but the managers of the national activities have accountered some problems, e.g. that the professionals had not enough time or not enough motivation to apply the model tools, such as the self-observation register.
The third coordination meeting of the INV project was held on the 21–23 of November of 2013 in Rome. The participants reviewed the project, finalized the Focus-groups report, discussed the website and the dissemination of the project.
The coordination meeting was combined with the training of the trainers on the pedagogical model and the training path.
The second co-ordination meeting of the INV project was held in Budapest on 6−8 June.
Experts and managers from Italy and Spain were hosted by the Hungarian Down Foundation.
The goal of the meeting was the establishment of the pedagogical model which will serve the social professionals providing services for people with severe intellectual disability.
The pedagogical model will be published soon.
The first co-ordination meeting was held in Barcelona, 15-17 November 2012.
The project activities were planned and the steps determined for the nex six months: